About our company

RadKon is not your average IT company! We provide high quality consulting, hardware and services at affordable prices, as well as everything from design and set up of your network to IT support. RadKon is dedicated to providing high-end services to institutions, such as schools, companies and organizations that are interested in investing in technology. Upgrading technology can lead to a rise in productivity, as well as overall cash flow.

Education is a vital part of society, and technology plays a significant role in today's education systems. As a result, more schools are slowly integrating technology into their curriculum. At RadKon, we understand the importance of technology in schools and are dedicated to helping schools integrate more of it into their own curriculum. We also work with schools that have already done so, but need to upgrade their system. For more information on our services, please visit our services tab.

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Our mission

Our mission is to provide the top service and products to all institutions that are looking into investing in technology. RadKon is dedicated to work with institutions on finding the best products to serve their needs. Not only are we dedicated to finding the best product, but to do so within the institution’s budget.

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